Integration of Advanced Experiments, Computation and Data for Innovation in Freeze Casting and Advanced Porous Structures


Faculty of Science

Phayao University is a leading state university. To open the opportunity to produce graduates as pillars of the family. And it's like a university serving the society. The Vision and Mission of the School of Science are reported below:

  • Produce graduates who are inquisitive and moral
  • Create leading research and innovation
  • Strengthen the community
  • Produce graduates who excel in the professional standards demanded in the 21st century
  • Produce Research papers and innovative practice
  • Provide academic services to communities
  • Strengthen communities and societies
  • Preserve Thai art, culture, local knowledge, and the environment
  • Manage efficiently with good governance principles
  • Produce graduates with key competencies In science and technology
  • Produce research, innovation, and knowledge that can be disseminated nationally and internationally
  • Serve communities by facilitating sustainable development
  • Preserve Thai art and culture
Core competencies
  • Expertise in teaching and integrated research to strengthen the community

Project role

Phayao University activity is focused porous materials of both ceramics and polymers in particular in piezoelectrical ceramics and porous fibres (PLA) for scaffolding will be covered.
UoP will drive the development of piezoelectrical ceramics and contribute to the development of PLA fibres and sphere based on their work in micro porous fibres and explore it applications in medical scaffolding, etc

People involved

Anurak Prasatkhetragarn
Scientific supervisor