Liverpool John Moores University is one of the oldest education establishment in the UK with 200 years of history. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology consists School of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, School of Computer Science and Mathematics, LJMU Maritime Centre and Astrophysics Research Institute. The School of Engineering (SOE) host four main research centres: The Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute within the department has been actively engaged in the use of intelligent engineering Evolutionary Algorithm, Monte-Carlo in design, manufacturing optimisation as well as maintenance, cost and risk analysis. The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre’s research is focused on electrical engineering and electronics. The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) and General Engineering institutes is focused on Advanced Manufacturing, System and Reliability Engineering and Robotics, Computational Modelling and Mechanics and Advanced Materials and Structures. The R&D works are supported by several key labs in particular "Advanced Manufacturing Lab", "Materials and Metrology Lab" and "Fluid Mechanics Lab and HPC Simulation Lab".
LJMU activity will focus on overall integration of experimental, modelling and analysis data of porous materials and ice-templating process.
The main technical work will include modelling porous materials at different scales, structure-properties correlation, feature based analysis and predictive simulation of porous materials.
LJMU will also assist in the development of cooling technologies, application of porous materials in different sectors.
Scientific supervisor